Later this year I turn the quarter-lifer age of 25, on
October 27th to be precise (gifts and surprise birthday parties are
welcome y’all) and with this age comes a great fight that will have me avoiding
family gatherings and ceremonies with the sprint race the zombies in World War
Z pulled (eehh….those were some scary fast zombies). This battle that will
divide mamas and papas, siblings and whole families until it is over and done
with. Like the inescapable sacred imbalu ritual
of the Bagisu that a male has to pursue to earn the title of a man no matter
what age he is, this immense combat will continue until someone gives in.
A few days ago on a peaceful Sunday while enjoying pork at
Zig Zag, a little way laid place in Namuwongo, ( has an exclusively charming
old school playlist)my mother called to check on her little girl. Bursting with
euphoria she informed me with the gusto of a Commanding Officer addressing her
junior that she was expecting me to get married within the year. Of course I
laughed, in fact so hard that I almost toppled over and of course she was
grumbling that I did not take her seriously. I knew this routine and had danced
to this tune at least once every other month since leaving home. Every month or
so I make the journey to Mukono to catch up on some mother – daughter bonding
time and every time it’s the same tired nursery rhyme. The questions flood; “Have
you found a man? When are you bringing him home? Is he serious?” (oh my
goodness do these the questions grate on my nerves) it is almost a fixation
with her and every other female relative I have. There is this group compulsive
obsessive behaivoural need to have a girl fixed up as soon as the ink on her
transcript is dry. I can testify to my maternal aunts dragging these poor young
men along to my graduation party hoping I would pick one of them as my next
boyfriend. Needless to say my then boyfriend was not amused and neither was I.
These guys were no slaves on a dock awaiting their turn to be examined and
picked accordingly to physical attributes, social standing, and their ability
to keep the ‘harro accent’ out of their speech.
Do not take this the wrong way I love my mother and family
to bits but sometimes I just want to scream out loud and tell them to leave me
the hell alone. To let me be, to make my mistakes, let the world take a beating
at me and spit me out like last month’s gossip. Of course their advice is well
meant and comes with protectiveness that only a mother can give hoping that
they can prevent all the heartbreaks we will go through, the depression we will
suffer over a man and of course the need to see us wedded with children. A mindset has been engraved into every
family’s mind over the centuries that being without a ring / man and a child
just makes you a girl. You cannot graduate to a woman with the above
pre-requisites and here I was thinking getting menstrual periods already did that.
Society is cruel, categorizing that which they cannot fit into
a bracket as strange, weird or even disgusting. The freedom of expression with
everything from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram has allowed people to let the
world see a peek of what they really are. The response however has left me
sickened with fear. The world is so quick to judge our peculiarities and quirks
while they safeguard theirs. ‘So, what if I want to work at my career and
education then concentrate on marriage later? Why the rush if not only for the
reason of beating my biological clock. The absence of a wedding ring on my
finger does not mean I have failed to snag a man because maybe am setting high
standards, want too much or will not put up with certain characteristics just
because society says it is tolerable (case in point that all men cheat its
inbuilt into their genetics). Honestly some things do not need to be rushed. A
lawyer acquaintance of mine spilled to me that some of his clients are already
divorcees at the early age of 26 and quite candidly I do not want to be just
another figure to the statistics. Why rush into marriage with a stranger when
only darkness looms at the end of the tunnel. In the end you will shoulder the
blame when it bears no fruit and you are deemed unworthy and lacking in quality
to sustain a marriage.
Lily, a girlfriend of mine, confided to me that her mother
is infatuated with getting her married her off that when they have the ‘nuptials
argument’ and Lily fights back with the vengeance of stung puma her mother simply
caps off the argument with a call to her pastor to pray for her wayward
daughter! I mean seriously is it so bad that divine intervention is needed as
if God does not already have bigger problems? What with the Devil, murderers,
earthquakes, corrupt politicians and nuclear wars on the loose. Most of my
girlfriends are in marriage mart arguments with every new wedding meeting,
invitation cards and all the times they are the bridesmaid and never the bride.
If there was a supermarket where they sold men our problem would probably be
solved. Parents would just pick up Handsome Ken to match their own Barbie doll
(us) to it.
Growing up I have had to fight this nasty habit of being a people
pleaser. It is like trying to quit your
craving for cigarettes or beer or addiction to Scandal, it just won’t let you
go and every day you build a wall of lies that it will be the last time. Over
the years I have realized that the world does not care as much as you think
they do and kind of quit trying to please it. They will be the first to
congratulate you, like your Facebook & Instagram statuses and follow you on
twitter but nobody will join in the pain you endure every day. The world only
sees what you show them and will never know of the bodies you throw in your
closet like Dexter. A woman could veil that she is in an abusive relationship
with a man who likes to play whack-a-mole with the hard end tennis racket on
her body or a man could conceal that he barely sleeps because he is holding a
crying toddler while the mother is out getting her groove on. When you see such
couples they are the epitome of perfect until you blow away the smoke screen.
The façade melts away to reveal a union that bickers, criticises, dismisses and
is hanging on by spider threads that a mere child’s breath could blow out of
existence. I for one will not let myself be in marriage because I have to
settle for less than what I want just because the world says that my clock is
ticking. This girl is all for instant gratification but not on marriage. I will
not co-habit with a swine of cheating, insensitive husband just because he has
money and provides me with a blanket of security. Frankly I would rather be
left out in the cold than endure that for the rest of my life.
I am a simple girl (maybe a tad bit complex) with simple
desires. I seek only for a man who I will love and will love me in return the
equal or unequal measure being of no consequence. A God fearing man who will be
my companion and confidante and will happily gossip and laugh with me. A
masculine figure that I will gladly bear children for and endure the pangs of
childbirth, stretch marks and misshaped body that comes with it. Somebody will
take me in stride when am a train wreck in the morning and a bitch in the
afternoon. A guy I will fight with, want to strangle, call an idiot and still
want to come home to. A man who I will love with every new wrinkle and receding
hairline etc…..This does not seem too much to ask.
We only have one existence to live and except for this YOLO
nonsense that is a a poor excuse to get wasted and hump each other senseless
like rabbits, I for one want to make sure that I make good use of my time
before I expire and milk life for all it is worth. I do not want my spirit to
hang on to earth regretting paths untraveled, loves unexplored and resisting
the temptation to get even with ex boyfriends. Therefore I do declare that I
will embrace love, cling to it and happily take pleasure in it with all its
inevitable budding thorns. I will marry for love not to fulfill a need that the
public and my family have deemed fit for me or to quiet the never ending
questions. I will not be cajoled to marry a man I cannot stand, beget children
unloved, and endure cold nights sipping Pinot & listening to Melanie
Fiona’s 4AM all the while secretly plotting on how to make that Vim powder
taste like sugar in his morning coffee. Just anything to end the misery. I
probably understand now why some women kill their husbands if only to escape
the jailer of a prison whose door you opened and walked through just to please
everyone and have them pat you on the back that you are married and now a
I will be part of the revolution that fights this craziness
that we are pushed into and if I am guillotined (do they still do that?) then
so be it. I will take up arms and declare myself a full woman despite group
All this pushing will do nothing but yield obstinate
results. William Shakespeare says ‘It is
not in the stars to hold our destiny but in our selves’. I am a writer of
my own destiny and will have no man pen it for me. I will pick a male for
myself and have no other decide for me. I alone will bear the consequences good
or bad I will embrace, for I owe it to myself to find a slice of happiness in this
otherwise chaotic life.
The so handsome and soulful Maurice Kirya wrote something to
this that I thought I would share
“What is wrong with Ugandans always pushing everyone to get married? Or have a kid? Whatever happened to people actually falling in love and choosing to be with someone for the rest of their lives?
Marriage has become some sort of a trendy lifestyle, that is, as if
done for public satisfaction! Back then, making a decision to marry meant you
were in love, made a choice to be with someone for the rest of your life.
Today, it seems as though it is done for status in society, a way of showing
that you can make a big decision, to show growth. But what is good is public
satisfaction if you are not happy with the wife or husband you have?
I still believe that marriage is special and no one should handle it
like a joke! People should stop always telling others, ‘You are not married?
What are you waiting for?’ The truth is, it’s not a race about who gets married
this year or not,, it is about the genuine happiness it gives you inside, the
contentment of who you are with and how deeply you are in love no matter what
You can’t make a decision like that if you are not ready to consider
that this will involve your children, the last thing you want is to be sad in
something that you were not ready for, it will affect not only you, but your
kids too and everyone around you!
Marriage is not the answer to problems and public dissatisfaction,
marriage is between two people, two hearts, two souls, your friends and family
attending the wedding doesn’t make your love for each other any stronger but
what the two of you feel when you go back home and are alone, that is what
makes the connection.
Let’s go back to the basics, let’s go back to being genuinely in love,
let’s get back to understanding what happiness really is, and let’s get back to
being strong beings that can make strong independent decisions, let’s get back
to common sense”
This is a man after my
own heart. Life is too short to be spent miserable. To echo Gathoni in Ngungi W
Thiong’o’s I Will Marry When I Want,
‘Sorry! I shall marry when I want. Nobody will force me into it!’ Enough
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